Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northwest Florida proudly announces Orlando Navedo as the recipient of the 2024 Ronald Mobayed Military Big of the Year award. This prestigious accolade is awarded to a Big who has made an exceptional impact on their Little’s life.
Orlando, a Defense Paralegal for the U.S. Navy, has been a dedicated mentor to his Little Brother Bryan since they were first matched in February 2023. The two immediately bonded, and Bryan expressed a desire to enhance his basketball skills. Orlando wholeheartedly embraced this goal, fostering their relationship through regular outings to the YMCA for basketball practice, as well as attending Bryan’s games and end-of-season banquet. They have also enjoyed many meals together, further strengthening their bond.
Orlando is not only a consistent and supportive Big, but he’s also a passionate advocate for Big Brothers Big Sisters. He and Bryan frequently participate in agency events and were prominently featured in our annual impact video for the 2024 Big Gala: Cosmic Connections, where they shared what makes their relationship special. They also participated in the Big Gala, enthusiastically embracing the event’s space theme and warmly engaging with attendees.
Orlando exemplifies the mission of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northwest Florida, as well as the spirit of Lt. Ronald Joseph Mobayed, this award’s namesake. Lt. Mobayed was an outstanding Big Brother while he was stationed in Pensacola for flight training in the early 1990’s. Tragically, on October 3, 1995, Ron and his crew were killed in the line of duty while responding to a distress signal. This award honors our military volunteers and is given to a Big who demonstrates the same commitment to their Little, Big Brothers Big Sisters, and the children of our community.
Orlando’s colleagues collaborated with our staff to surprise Orlando with the award during a ceremony at the National Museum of Naval Aviation aboard NAS Pensacola. During the ceremony, Bryan shared his heartfelt thoughts about his Big Brother: “Orlando, out of all the matches, I was blessed with you. When we first met I was nervous, but now I feel like a brother to you. You helped me find who I really am and you inspire me in so many ways. One special way you inspire me is to do and try new things. To the best Big, my Big Brother Orlando.”
On behalf of the staff and Board at Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northwest Florida, we extend our heartfelt thanks to Orlando Navedo for his unwavering dedication and congratulate him on this well-deserved recognition.